e-ISSN: 1309-517X
Evaluation Framework for Blended Learning Courses: A Puzzle Piece for the Evaluation Process

Lúcia Pombo 1 *, António Moreira 1

CONT ED TECHNOLOGY, Volume 3, Issue 3, pp. 201-211

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This article discusses the process of evaluation in bLearning courses, namely the objects of evaluation, discussing their relevance according to the opinion of international experts in Online Teaching and Learning, taking into account the curricular proposals of the three cycles of Higher Education (HE). The question ‘what should be evaluated?’ is one puzzle piece of the whole process of evaluation. The other pieces should be articulated among themselves and combined, namely ‘who should evaluate?’, ‘how and when to evaluate?’ and ‘what is evaluation for?’ Those questions were asked in a survey conducted with 35 international experts with an average experience of 13 years in the area, from international HE institutions (HEIs) that offer this kind of courses. The study highlights the need of HEIs to reassess their approach to the quality assurance of bLearning courses, and brings some contributions to those who are in charge of bLearning courses, providing a useful framework for evaluation. Furthermore, this paper contributes to the knowledge on educational technology and raised new issues for further research and discussion



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