e-ISSN: 1309-517X
Investigating Turkish Pre-service Teachers’ Perceptions of Blogs: Implications for the FATIH Project

Mehmet Akif Ocak 1 *, Şahin Gökçearslan 1, Ebru Solmaz 1

CONT ED TECHNOLOGY, Volume 5, Issue 1, pp. 22-38

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This study aimed to investigate pre-service teachers’ perceptions on the use of blogs regarding ICT integration in the FATIH project in Turkey. Participants were 174 pre-service teachers continuing their education. Data collection tool was a questionnaire which measured pre-service teachers’ perceptions of the blogs. Questionnaire embodied some sub-categories of blog use such as learning, motivation, active participation, writing skills, group work, and critical thinking. Findings revealed that using blogs in classes affected learning and teaching process. The obtained results also showed that the blogs contributed to the recuperation of writing and critical thinking skills. These results indicated that students found social contributions of the blogs such as sharing information and interacting with peers. Based on the findings of study, appropriate conclusions and implications were addressed within the context of the FATIH project.



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