e-ISSN: 1309-517X
How does Academic Performance Increase Virtual Popularity? A Case of Facebook Usage among Indian College Students

Saurabh Maheshwari 1 * , Tuheena Mukherjee 2

CONT ED TECHNOLOGY, Volume 13, Issue 1, Article No: ep284

Submitted: 18 March 2020, Published Online: 14 October 2020

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The debate on the positive and negative impact of Facebook on youth particularly on their academic performance has become prevalent in academic discourses. The previous studies show mixed findings of the effect of Facebook on academic performance as well as on other education-related variables. Though the role of Facebook in academics is well explored, however, the impact of academics on Facebook usage has not been examined. The present study examines the reverse possibility i.e. effect of study and academic performance on Facebook usage. Two offline survey studies were conducted on Indian college students. Study one was conducted on 250 undergraduate students (mean age = 20.15; 101 female participants) which shows a significant positive impact of past academic performance on Facebook friendship. Study two was conducted on 317 undergraduate students (mean age = 19.95; 259 females) with two additional indicators of Facebook usage i.e. time spent on Facebook and attitude toward Facebook use. Results of study two also show a positive impact of academic performance on Facebook friendship, however, no such impact is found for other indicators of Facebook use. Overall research shows academic achievement positively influences the virtual popularity of individuals, especially for college students.



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