e-ISSN: 1309-517X
Efficacy of Interactive Whiteboard on Psychomotor Skills Achievement of Students in Isometric and Orthographic Projection

Isiaka A. Gambari 1 *, Sherifat A. Balogun 1, Ahmadu S. Alfa 1

CONT ED TECHNOLOGY, Volume 5, Issue 4, pp. 316-330

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This paper discusses importance of technology education and evidences of declining performance of junior secondary school students in basic technology subject. Potentials on interactive whiteboard (IWB) as one of the new technologies to meet the challenges of the 21stcentury are also discussed. The efficacy of IWB for teaching Isometric and Orthographic projection concepts in Technical Drawing aspect of Basic Technology was determined using a pretest-posttest, non-equivalent, non-randomized quasi-experimental design. A 2x2x3 factorial design was employed. Ninety Four (49 males and 45 females) and (31 high, 51 medium and 12 low achievers) JSS-1 students from two secondary schools in Abuja Metropolis made-up the sample. The schools were randomly assigned to experimental and control groups. The experimental group was taught selected concepts of Isometric and Orthographic Projections using IWB and (Chalkboard) traditional method were used for the control group. A validated Basic Technology Achievement Test (BTAT) comprised of 25-item multiple-choice object test was employed for data collection. The reliability coefficient of BTAT was 0.88 using Kuder-Richardson (KR-20). The hypotheses were tested using ANCOVA and Scheffe post-hoc analysis. Results revealed that the students taught with IWB performed better than the control group. Also, high achievers performed better than medium and low achievers respectfully. The IWB was found also to be gender friendly. Based on the findings, it was recommended that the use of IWB should be encouraged in Nigerian schools.



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