e-ISSN: 1309-517X
Effects of Student Feedback on Teaching Competence of Student Teachers: A Microteaching Experiment

Vibha Chawla 1 *, Praveen Thukral 2

CONT ED TECHNOLOGY, Volume 2, Issue 1, pp. 77-87

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This study is an attempt to evaluate the effects of student feedback in developing teaching competence among student teachers. The study was conducted on ten student-teachers of one of the reputed colleges of Panjab University using single-group pretest-posttest design. The efficiency of employing all the selected skills has been calculated by using observation schedule cum rating scale for each skill. The efficiency has been found to be greater than 83% in case of all the student-teachers trained through student feedback. The coefficient of correlation between Efficiency of Using Five Selected Teaching Skills and Posttest Baroda General Teaching Competence Scale Score has been found to be 0.260. Also, 10% of the student-teachers move from average to high performance category on Stanine scale. In brief, student feedback has been found to be effective in improving the general teaching competence of student-teachers.



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